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open 'zine
The East Sussex Open is an annual 'open submission' exhibition held at the Towner Gallery in Eastbourne. Exhibited work is selected by a panel of judges, from submissions almost entirely made up of existing artworks.
However, the format also allows artists to submit proposals for works to be made. To that end we proposed to re-present the many unsuccessful submissions, in the form of double-page spreads, from which the East Sussex Open audience could make their own selections in order to compile a 'take-away' zine of their choices. On the reverse of the double-page spreads we also included our own visual and textual material drawn from research on the theme of aesthetic judgement. This included correspondence with the judges, unsuccessful applicants and other artists.
installation - stacks of spreads, display of spreads and zine-maker
gallery text for audience
example of audience assembled zine
juxtaposition of recto/verso content in audience assembled zine
paulclaire silhouette.jpg
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