posture 1
geometer: imagethought experiments
boxed set of 12 A5 digital prints on card from original A1 graphite pencil drawings
“Becoming Diagrammatic” was a creative practice-based research project, investigating how conceptual art drawing intersects with the speculative idea of the imagethought in post-continental non-philosophy.
It made use of the relatively new interdisciplinary field of Diagrammatology to situate the study ‘at the borderlines’ between phenomenology, ontology, and semiotics (Stjernfelt 2007), and is framed by Laruelle’s speculative new genre of philo-fiction.
This work was presented in a final MRes group exhibition, as part of the creative practice research outcome produced in fulfilment of a Masters in Research in Arts & Culture at University of Brighton (2016-18).
The set of 12 images indicate the trajectory of ‘imagethought experiments’ in the paradigmatic shift between a meta-philosophical ‘position’ to a non-standard philosophical ‘posture’. The set is offered up as a ludic opportunity for others to engage in their own imagethought experiments, through the action of re-combination along a horizon of possibility. Across the set a consistent ‘horizon’ line and poly-optic viewpoint are redolent of a myriorama parlour game.
See 'diagrams&drawings' menu for more detailed images of this and other outcomes from Claire's MRes.
in 'Perspectives'
MRes Arts & Cultural Research final exhibition
The Waste House,University of Brighton

general view of group exhibition in The Waste House, University of Brighton