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A paired text piece consisting of a single sheet of A4 paper with the centred words ‘captive’ and ‘captured’ presented recto and verso, and a corresponding photogram of that sheet of paper revealing the two words (one reversed) on a single surface of the image


The work sought to create a psychoanalytic play between image and text, photographed and printed word, and was made in response to a very constrained gallery brief requesting a’text-piece’ on A4.


On exhibition the work was bowdlerised to a single sheet of A4 paper showing the recto-verso words ‘captured’ and ‘captive’.


A version of the work subsequently appeared in a book version of the exhibition alongside the other 84 contributing artists’ work.


The photographic element of the work was later presented  as a 'guest' work in a show tilted 'untitled' at the Four Boxes Gallery, Krabbesholm Art College, Denmark.


session 7 - words

Am Nuden Da Project Space/Gallery

London, 2009-10


session 12 - words + untitled

Four Boxes Gallery


Denmark, 2010


further info on words + untitled exhibition here:


photo credits: am nuden da
paulclaire silhouette.jpg
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